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    Carloluigi Colombo   48 10964 1 ALBUM   ALL ALBUM   SUGGEST   Contact the artis  


    I was born in Faenza, Italy, March 28 1981.

    I am an Italian painter, sculptor and ceramist. I started at the age of 17 years totally self-taught.
    In the year 2014 I created the term Esorinism, term for my artistic conception, that surrealism based on symbols and esoteric concepts, not in the sense of magic and astrology, but in the contemplation of the truth hidden in the universal reality, not understandable to a symple man.
    1838 320

    Pride, Gluttony, Lust
    image of the work
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    Art movement: Figurative
    Gender: Painting
    Technique: mixed media
    size: cm 80.0 x 90.0 x 2.0
    image: 1000x1140 (1.09 Mpx)

    Description : Based on Dante's Divina Commedia
    immagine della opera

    Landscape of age of aquarius

    immagine della opera

    Cosmic cycle

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    dream-like image of the future...

    immagine della opera

    Petrus Romanus persecuted by t...

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    The sighting

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    Esorinist vision through space...

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    Atomic holocaust

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    Initiation travel

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    Pride, Gluttony, Lust

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    Robotic doll

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    immagine della opera

    Thule la terra iperborea

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    Portrait of UFO

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    The door

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    The adventures of Pinocchio

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    2067 A space odissey

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    An unsuccessful experiment of ...

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    Un robot alla ricerca del temp...

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    The production of Philosopher ...

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    Dream 128 The escape of animal...

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    Landscape of Casola Valsenio

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    Harbor of Ravenna

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    Saint George and the dragon

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    Hiram Abif's portrait

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    Original sin

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    A photograph of Longiano castl...

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    The kali yuga's end

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    Still life with self-portrait

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    Famous woman spotted by papara...

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    Saint George and the dragon

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    Portrait of table on beach o...

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    The Martyrdom of Saint Sebasti...

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    The secret summit of the most ...

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    Icarus' flight

    immagine della opera

    Portrait of a table - the adv...

    immagine della opera

    Universal manifestation

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    Esorinist saint Georgres and t...

    immagine della opera

    The streptease

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    Gli amanti sull'acqua

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    Bathing beauties

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    ABRAHAM and three visitors Gen...

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    Bagnante in bikini

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    Adorazione dei Magi

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    Circe la maga

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    Nozze alchemiche

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    Ritratto di un sistema digesti...

    immagine della opera

    Crucifixion of Jesus Christ 4 ...

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